Contrarians to convention. Outliers of the order of things. Dissidents of dogma. Mainstream mutineers. Disrupters of the status quo. Rabble-rousing inciters of change.

This is what we look for in the people, products, and ventures we partner with. Participator focuses on identifying, co-creating, and turning around challenger brands. These are ventures started by entrepreneurs and academics who’ve identified unfulfilled needs and have developed differentiated products and businesses with clear opportunities for global expansion that can challenge market leaders and disrupt whole categories.

We offer funding, business, and financial advice. However, unlike common VCs, incubators, and accelerators, we specialize in marketing and branding — vital ingredients to success.

Current ventures we’re partnered with

The first blockchain protocol and security token supporting earth’s natural resources. We participated as co-founders, are on the board, the executive team, and provide ongoing business council, marketing, branding, and design.

SusGlobal Energy Corp. (SNRG) is a unique, innovative, sustainable waste-to-energy and regenerative agricultural products company strategically based on the circular economy model.

With over 30,000 hotels and 5,000 condo buildings, Zonetail is a mobile platform for guests and residents. Peter founded Zonetail, registering the IP with the Writer’s Guild of America in 2011. We provided the name, branding, and app UX/UI. Zonetail is now listed on the TSXV:ZONE.